Concord Marine

For Shipowners

In our extensive database we have a wide range of highly qualified and experienced marine professionals of all ranks available at any time in a short notice and are able to hire complete crews for all types of ships, including seismic and specialized vessels for off-shore.

Upon request we can supply repair teams (fitters, turners, welders, divers etc.) for work on ships while they are under operation or during repair in shipyards.

All recruited seafarers:

The crew we engage are to a high degree constant. If any changes occur they always are discussed with the Owner or his representatives. This is the best proof that the Owners as well as seafarers trust us and are convinced we do all necessary to stand up for mutual interest.

In order to get reference concerning our Company please send us your written request.

Online request form

Obligatory form fields are marked with «*» sign.

Company name: *
Name, surname: *
E-mail: *
Phone: *
Request text: